There’s No Wealth Like Halal...
Go To Post There’s No Wealth Like Halal Wealth
"For starters, we should only pursue income strictly from halal means. Be wary of engaging in jobs or businesses that sell haram products, such as alcohol or interest-based securities. Be further aware of ensuring transparency and fairness in all your dealings; never cheat or defraud anyone (Muslim or not) for the sake of selfish or short-term gains. There is indeed no barakah in haram earnings. Allah ﺳﺒﺤﺎﻧﻪ ﻭ ﺗﻌﺎﻟﻰ commands us in the Quran: “O my people! Give full measure and weigh with justice. Do not defraud people of their property, nor go about spreading corruption in the land.” [Hud 11:85]
Extra income should always be put to productive use, as hoarding is frowned upon in Islam. Don’t be a miser or get too attached to money and worldly possessions. What’s more, money kept under your mattress or in the bank actually loses value over time thanks to inflation. Inflation refers to the ever-increasing cost of living, which results in the loss of value of money. One way to avoid the peril of inflation is by investing to earn a profit to counter this inflationary loss. Thankfully today in many countries there are Islamic finance institutions and products for us to invest in. Increasingly, Fintech has brought forth new online platforms and services that allow investors from almost anywhere in the world to invest."